Monday, October 29, 2012

Mule Quilt Pattern now available

I just have to show you my newest pattern - Portrait of a Mule.  I have also created a pattern for a packing mule as well.  Surprisingly there are little to no quilt patterns for Mule Lovers.  I had such fun creating him and even did my own quilting(very new machine quilting beginner)!  I think you'll love him too.  The two tiny crystals on the eyes, bring him to life!  Here is a little information about mules. 

A mule is the result of the mating of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse(mare) to produce a hybrid. Mules are anatomically normal and show normal breeding behavior unless gelded (castrated) early in life.  Mules are sterile due to an uneven chromosome count. The mule's body type and temperament depend on the breed of mare and jack used. Mules come in any horse or donkey color or combination of both. A mule is easily distinguished from a donkey by looking at the tail. A mule's tail is haired all the way to the top like a horse’s tail; a donkey’s tail has a tuft on the end like a cow. The mule has the patience, endurance, sure footedness, sense, and drought tolerance of the donkey, combined with the size, speed, strength and courage of the horse. He is so new I haven't even put him on the website yet - you can email me at for more information.  I leave in a few hours for the Houston Quilt Festival - Maybe I'll see you there!!

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